This TED talk given by Mr. Hughes has become a little controversial on two fronts. First, those who are for and against colorblindness and second Mr. Hughes has claimed his video has been suppressed. Hats off to Mr. Hughes in successfully creating interest around his new upcoming book in 2024 and his TEDtalk all in one blow.

After coding his talk with the V.E.T. Method it became clear where his messaging was lacking. Vulnerability: 0 Empathy: 2 Truth: 14. Clearly more Vulnerability and Empathy is needed but the truth statements were a bit lacking. There are four types of Truths; useful, important, critical and eternal. Of the Truths shared most were useful and important. Having more critical and eternal Truths would have made all the difference.

Mr. Hughes opening choice of words built an immediate wall between him and the audience, the classic “I and You”; “I want to do a quick exercise. I want you to…” When giving such a charged message “togetherness” is ones greatest friend. Image how the audience would have felt if his speech started with, “Together, let’s do a quick exercise…close your eyes….” a minor change with huge implications.

Probability the biggest challenge with the speech is lack of Vulnerability. His speech is full of facts and figures however, Vulnerability is what wins hearts and open minds. A quick personal story laced with Vulnerability on why Mr. Hughes feels passionately about color blindness would have gone a very long ways.

His historical facts on the origination of color blindness were enlightening however I had a hard time keeping my eyes off of his Air Jordans. I kept wondering how much they cost. I spend hours of my life watching Tik Tok videos of people buying and selling them, they can go for thousands for dollars!

Anyways, if Mr. Hughes is truly interested in getting the hits, Vulnerability and Empathy have to play a major role in his messaging. (I have the data to back it up if he’s interested.) He is lucky that he spoke on a topic that is currently in the public’s eye. I’m not sure anyone would be interested in viewing/sharing this talk without that going for it. Please Mr. Hughes, we need your voice in the town hall of public opinion and if you don’t incorporate a few of these suggestions your message will continue to be suppressed and lost.

If a leader is going to talk about the truths of racism without loads of compassion, their speech is bound to ruffle feathers. While this is an effective short term gain, no hearts or minds will be changed. If Truth without compassion equals brutality, I’d shutter to think of the word that follows; Race without compassion equals ______. If anyone is looking for homework, Sue Klebold gives a master class in her Ted talk tackling the most impossible message ever.

By Tyler Ford

Executive Communication Advisor.