John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy | January 20, 1961 | Inaugural Address Vulnerability: 0 | Empathy: 20 | Truth: 23 V.E.T. Coded Total: 43 President Kennedy gives a powerful example in how…
John F. Kennedy | January 20, 1961 | Inaugural Address Vulnerability: 0 | Empathy: 20 | Truth: 23 V.E.T. Coded Total: 43 President Kennedy gives a powerful example in how…
General Patton | June 5, 1944 Vulnerability: 1 | Empathy: 9 | Truth: 68 V.E.T. Coded Total: 78 General Patton was known for his motivational speeches that he gave to…
CNN headline: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex slams GOP in heated floor speech. Passion can not be coached. You either got it or you don’t and often passion is tied with extreme emotion…